

Our Master Had No Home

This past week my wife and I were blessed to be able to spend some time in downtown Indianapolis. It really is a nice town in general, with lots of nice restaurants, shops, stadiums, and hotels. On our way back to our car, however, I was surprised to see just how many homeless individuals there were sleeping on the side of the road. I can’t imagine being homeless, especially in winter temperatures. Remarkably Jesus told His followers that He also was homeless. When a scribe declared his intention to follow Jesus, our Lord replied, “The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head” (Matt. 8:20). Jesus was informing the man that following Him was hard and uncomfortable. I want to spend the rest of the article discussing a few of the implications of this statement.

            One of the most amazing things about Jesus not owning a place to lay His head is that literally He created everything in the universe! Paul told the Colossians that Christ created all and holds all together (Col. 1:15-17). He also dwelt in an even more perfect home, heaven itself, before leaving earth to become homeless. Paul told the Philippians that Jesus humbled Himself and remained obedient as He took the form of a bondservant and came to earth (Phil. 2:5-11). We ought to be thankful that our King and creator was willing to do all of this so that we might be exalted in heaven someday. He gave up His home so we could join Him in His.

            This brings me to the second point I wanted to make. If He was willing to give up so much for you, what are you willing to give up for Him? So many of us are attached to our homes and possessions on earth. Jesus criticized such attachment (Matt. 6:25-34). Put the Kingdom first to be pleasing to God. Some Christians in the first century literally gave up their homes for God. The Hebrew brethren had homes seized by the godless government because they put God first (Heb. 10:34). Others voluntarily sold homes and property so that others might have their needs met (Acts 2:32-37). Peter and the other Apostles walked away from homes for the purpose of following Jesus (Luke 18:28). Jesus assures His followers that if you are willing to be more attached to the Kingdom of God than our own stuff than we will receive a true home in heaven. Our master showed us a perfect example of sacrifice, what are you willing to sacrifice for Him?